Friday, December 18, 2009

What do you mean, you don't take patients like me?!


Just an update on the doctor situation. I went to the new doc. Filled out paperwork, etc. Get into the room and the nurse says "Well, I guess we don't take women as far along as you are." "umm...excuse me? You knew how far along I was when I made this appointment a month ago." After some attempts at explaining, which all failed, she went and got the doctor.

Apparently, the doctor does "shared care" with an OB clinic in CR. They failed to inform me of this. We talked it over and she will be my primary care provider and "refer" me to the OB clinic.

Baby is doing good, as far as she can tell...HR at 140-145. She seemed concerned that the docs at the previous clinic said the HR was 120 and weren't concerned. She also seemed surprised that I haven't had a 20 wk ultrasound. She is pretty sure that the OB will want one. This will be awesome, because I had pretty much given up hope of having a chance at finding out the sex.

1 comment:

  1. So glad that you found a Dr that did an ultrasound and you found out the sex!!
