Sunday, May 2, 2010

All or nothing?

Okay. family disowned me. That doesn't mean that I disowned them. I love my Mom and no matter what happened I would not deprive her of a relationship with her only grandchild. She was upset because I didn't call after Lil'G's appt on Friday. She was fussy and I was so busy dealing with her, it didn't cross my mind to call Grandma right away and let her know that everything is fine. So anyway. Called her last night. She cried the whole time. She didn't think I would call. What? I have called once a week every week for the past 10 years (give or take). Why on this green earth would I not call? Oh...yeah...because I asked your overbearing sisters to not visit me 2 days after I was discharged. Apparently, my family doesn't grasp the concept of "on my terms". I'm sure, eventually, we'll get it figured out. Just blows my mind that my family thinks the only way to have a relationship with them is on their terms.

On another note, Lil'G's cyst blistered and popped. It appears to be healing today. I hope it doesn't get infected. She's too little for surgery right now. i would like to be able to put it off until she's a little bigger if at all possible. Currently, there is no indication that it's become infected. You can see the points where it burst open, but they are scabbed over and appear to be closed again. Oh...and her umbilical stump fell off today...YAY!

1 comment:

  1. I haven't been disowned or disowned anyone, yet.

    Keep growing Guin!! Kyle's stump fell off too.
