Saturday, December 11, 2010


Reading a WHO hand-out on Vaccine Safety (with an entire chapter on how to downplay possible risks to the press...but that isn't what this is about).

Under chapter 8--Ethical Issues related to Vaccination:

8.3 Pregnancy

Immunization of adolescents as part of routine immunization or during mass campaigns raises the possibility of administering vaccines during pregnancy. Only tetanus toxoid is recommended in pregnancy. Administration should be avoided especially of those vaccines that are contraindicated in pregnancy because of known or theoretical risks to the early stages of fetal development. It is possible that girls attending for vaccination may be unaware they are in the early stage of pregnancy, and others may be reluctant to admit to the pregnancy (which may result in their exclusion from school) and therefore go ahead with vaccination, perhaps despite being warned of the danger.

That's my emphasis...but WHAT. THE. FUCK.

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